Quality System Solutions
We help you have the best processes - simple, efficient, without ambiguity.
Audit: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IATF 16949
Training: soft skills (leadership, time management) and technical skills (automotive quality)
Consulting: operational performance, implementation of management systems.
Mission and Values
We add value to customers through simple and efficient methods that facilitate the process of implementing standards.
We present the standards in a simple and clear language so that everyone can understand them; we also provide tools to help teams quickly and efficiently implement these standards in their companies.
Our commitment
• to bring added value through the services we offer
• to assist clients in applying the principles and methodologies of planning, management, verification and continuous improvement of the management system
• to share the know-how accumulated and the multicultural experience gained in various industries where we have worked

Despre noi
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Ciprian George

Leader, Project Manager,Auditor, Trainer & Coach
Echipa ta este cheia atingerii performanÈ›ei dorite! Dezvoltarea ÅŸi susÈ›inerea echipei împreuna cu respectul accordat fiecarui membru sunt elemente fundamentale pentru un leadership de succes! Indiferent de industria în care am activat ÅŸi de proiectele pe care le-am gestionat am investit în dezvoltarea echipelor pentru a putea implementa cu success strategia companiei ÅŸi a contribui semnificativ la succesul organizaÈ›iei. ÎnÈ›elegerea viziunii, necesităților de inovaÈ›ie ÅŸi contextului clientului sunt primii paÅŸi pentru a putea stabili un raport avantajos pentru ambele părÈ›i.
Ionela George

Leader, Auditor, Trainer & Coach
Cred cu tărie că avem puterea să alegem ce vrem să devenim! Pasiunea pentru calitate, performanță ÅŸi leadership m-a ghidat în cariera mea! Îmi doresc să am impact ÅŸi să contribui la atingerea obiectivelor persoanelor cu care lucrez prin disciplina, creativitate ÅŸi profesionalism. Pun în slujba clienÈ›ilor mei competenÈ›ele dobândite în poziÈ›iile de leadership avute în industria automotive ÅŸi rafinate apoi prin skill-urile de auditor, trainer ÅŸi coach pentru a-i ajuta să îÅŸi atingă performanÈ›a dorită!
The audit, training and consulting services offered by Quality System Solutions are dynamic and complementary to offer our customers quality solutions.
Companies are forced to streamline processes to respond quickly to changing market conditions. Quality System Solutions understands the current context and offers customized services to meet customer requirements. Our main goal is to add value to management systems and assist customers in complying with international standards.